Tuesday, November 11, 2008

That's NOT Recycling!

You know what really grinds my gears? When my roommates put things in the recycling bin that are very clearly not recycling! They treat the recycling bin as if it were a trash bin! Oh and when they actually do put something recyclable in the recycling bin, do they break it down? Of course not! They will put huge boxes in which takes up the whole bin! I'm the one who ends up resorting the recycling from trash and breaking down all of those boxes. Even today my roommate put a hot pocket box in the trash! What gives?!


T. Brayton said...

That grinds my gears as well.

Anonymous said...

Pshh, welcome to my world. At work a number of buisnesses share the same 2 dumpsters, one of which happens to be for cardboard boxes. Every day I feel like I have to break down everyone else's shit just so I can fit my cardboard load in.

Oh and when recycling does come to my house, they sometimes leave full bins because mo other housemates cant figure out that recycle does not mean TRASH.

Kate said...

Haha, Leah! I LOVE your blog! And When you say "you know what really grinds my gears" I get a picture of peter in my mind! haha. I know how you feel though! I had a roommate and her boyfriend would ALWAYS use the recycling bin as a trash can, and all he had to do was turn to his other side and there was the trash can! Great Blog Leah, very entertaining!!

Casey said...

My roommates do this too! It drives me up a wall! I'm like okay, we could fit ALL our recycling in here if you freaking broke down your ginormous milk jugs and boxes! Whats the worst is they actually will start lining up bottles and cans NEXT to the recycling bin if it's full, instead of breaking down the bigger things to make room. -_- I feel ya, I feel ya...