Friday, November 14, 2008

Excuse me, excuse me, EXCUSE ME!

You know what really grinds my gears? When I'm trying to get by someone who is very clearly in my way and I politely say "excuse me" and nothing! I say "excuse me" again hoping maybe I just didn't say it loud enough, but nope, still nothing! I hate it when I have to say "excuse me" 3 or 4 times before the person finally hears or decides to finally move. It's the most frustrating thing because it should be a common sense courtesy move. Especially if I'm with another person and I'm trying to get by, I feel like a fool saying it over and over again with no response. The absolute worst is when I even include a little shoulder touch in combination with the "excuse me" and still get no response! How rude!


Alison said...

Ahh, I hate that too! That happened to me in London at the airport when I first arrived and it was my first impression of the British (since people say they tend to be snobby). It is a shame because the rest of the week was amazing and we met some great people!

Anonymous said...

I understand what you mean Leah. It is frustrating and at times it can make you feel really small and even insulted. I wouldn't worry about it too much thought. A lot of the time, people are just in their own world. I've caught myself before completely ignoring people because I was thinking about something else pretty deeply. There are however people who just won't give you the time of day, and they only thing you can do is just shrug it off an ignore them.